Shaggy and Red 2017
Ashton Court Estate
Endless Disco 2017
Ashton Court Estate, Bristol
Plaster Bandage and Mirror tiles
A one man party, exploring the idea of masking identity yet drawing attention to a form of disguise.
Endless Disco
Endless Disco
Endless Disco
Endless Disco
Pom Pom Beard 2017
Cumberland Basin Underpass, Bristol
Crochet Mask experimenting with composition of human like features; eyebrows and beard,as well as complimentary colours and camera perspectives.
Hungarian Sheepman 2017
Churchill, Bristol
A crochet mask inspired by the breed Hungarian Sheepdog, looking at how its fur and dreadlock texture can be used to exaggerate human facial features.
Wrestler Ruffle 2017
College Green, Bristol
Crochet Pom Pom Collar, drawing inspiration from the contrasting colours used in Mexican Wrestlers masks.
The Twits 2017
Leigh Woods, Bristol
Inspired by Roal Dahl's story The Twits, two crochet masks placed in a surreal woodland environment in contrast to the plot and location of the story.